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As we navigate the intricate world of science, Nuria left us with a profound thought—question everything and build our own ideals. Scientific progress is contingent on curiosity, rigorous methodologies, and ethical considerations. This lessons served as a stepping stone for us to explore the ever-evolving landscape of scientific knowledge.

Starting from Zero

Nuria prompted us to consider our top five favorite scientists, leading to a broader discussion on the diverse branches of science. Starting from the foundational question of how everything began, we explored the interconnectedness of disciplines, such as chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, cellular biology, and physiology. Cultural evolution, involving the communication of ideas, was highlighted as a crucial aspect.

Whats Crisp Cas 9

A significant portion of the lesson focused on CRISPR-Cas9, a revolutionary tool in genetic engineering. We learned that it is a group of proteins that persuades bacteria to produce specific traits. The precision of CRISPR-Cas9 in modifying genetic material was acknowledged, although it is not infallible. Practical applications, including the creation of genetically modified pigs and the potential extension of life, raised ethical questions. The experimentation on humans, such as modifying vision or extending rat lifespans, underscored the transformative nature of this technology.

Environmental Concerns:**

Throughout the lesson, environmental issues were discussed. From contaminating rivers with substances from chemotherapy, contraceptives, and drugs, to broader concerns about planetary well-being such as overpopulation, anthropocene, and climate change, Nuria urged us to consider the global impact of our actions. Designing new materials also came with a cautionary note about calculating potential ecological problems on a large scale.

Microbiology & Scientific Methodology

Microbiology was briefly touched upon, highlighting the significance of understanding the difference between methane and CO2. The class explored the natural greenhouse effect and the importance of maintaining a balance for human well-being. The classification of living organisms, the scientific method, and the necessity of asking good questions rather than seeking definitive answers were also emphasized.

Bacteria exploration

Last update: February 17, 2025