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About Mar iu s

Where I come from

I grew up in Stuttgart, moved to Waiblingen, went to a technical school there, then studied Internet of Things in Schwäbisch Gmünd and did a semester abroad in The Hague/Delft and started the MDEF program in October 2023. In the Internet of Things (IoT) program, I mainly designed sustainable and socially oriented concepts, which were mostly packaged in a product or guide/workshop. The open source field is new to me and I am very excited about it. I hope to learn methods and approaches that I can use to tackle and implement any problem. You can follow me here and I will share my thoughts and experiences. my Portfolio website

I think the music I currently listen to reflects me well. Fast and Slow at the same time. Offbeat but at the same time rhythmic, few vocals but lots of thoughts and influences from all sides and somehow driving.

Last update: June 23, 2024